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Taxonomy of the animals (Hutchins et al., 2003)

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The taxonomy of the animals presented by Hutchins et al. in 2003[1] in Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a system of classification which covers all the metazoans, from phyla to orders (or families, for Hexapoda and Pisces, or species, for Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia).

Animalia (= Metazoa)[edit]

Phylum Porifera[edit]

Phylum Placozoa[edit]

Phylum Monoblastozoa[edit]

Phylum Rhombozoa[edit]

Phylum Orthonectida[edit]

Phylum Cnidaria[edit]

Phylum Ctenophora[edit]

Phylum Platyhelminthes[edit]

Phylum Nemertea[edit]

Phylum Rotifera[edit]

Phylum Gastrotricha[edit]

Phylum Kinorhyncha[edit]

Phylum Nematoda[edit]

Phylum Nematomorpha[edit]

Phylum Acanthocephala[edit]

Phylum Entoprocta[edit]

Phylum Micrognathozoa[edit]

Phylum Gnathostomulida[edit]

Phylum Priapulida[edit]

Phylum Loricifera[edit]

Phylum Cycliophora[edit]

Phylum Echinodermata[edit]

Phylum Chaetognatha[edit]

Phylum Hemichordata[edit]

Phylum Chordata[edit]

Superclass Pisces[edit]

Class Amphibia[edit]

Class Reptilia[edit]

Class Aves[edit]

Class Mammalia[edit]

Phylum Annelida[edit]

Phylum Vestimentifera[edit]

Phylum Sipuncula[edit]

Phylum Echiura[edit]

Phylum Onychophora[edit]

Phylum Tardigrada[edit]

Phylum Arthropoda[edit]

Subphylum Crustacea[edit]

Subphylum Cheliceriformes[edit]

Subphylum Uniramia[edit]

Subphylum Hexapoda[edit]

Phylum Mollusca[edit]

Phylum Phoronida[edit]

Phylum Ectoprocta[edit]

Phylum Brachiopoda[edit]


  1. ^ Hutchins, M. et al. (eds.). Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., 17 vols., Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2003.