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Talk:Thygeson's superficial punctate keratopathy

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Thygeson's Disease Superficial Punctate Keratitis

Hello I have TSPK have had it since I was 5 or 6 I am now 62 years old. I recently had and outbreak. I had not had treatment by a specialist for 40 years because its enviromental. Bits of grinding metal, dirt in your hair or conditioner, hair in your eyes from your fringe, sawdust etc. I have been using a simple saline solution to keep it at bay and clearing it up. Approx one teaspoon of salt to one cup of water and use an eye washer to wash your eyes. This episode I went to a eye specialist whom gave me steriod eye drops I use 2 drops per night for 4 nights to clear my right eye and salene solution each day. After a week it was clear so my left eye I used2 drops for 2 nights and salene solution during the day and it was clear as well.

I cut my hair so it can't reach my eyes use clean sheets I don't wear sunglasses as I find them a strain on my eyes - thats a personal thing. I have had this condition for 57 years now and its not been a problem for me since I realised the cause seems to be enviromental. If one of you read this and it helps you then this article was worth writing. My Grandfather told me about saline solution for eyes in 1977 and its worked a treat ever since. The last board I wrote this on has closed, guess they don't want you to know the truth about it. My vision is extremely good for my age I only require reading glasses for small print.

Bill Shannon Carpenter.

Thygeson Superficial Punctate Keratitis

Don't let your fringe touch your eyes while sleeping keep a short fringe.

Don't let dust ,sawdust etc get in your eyes especially while you sleep.

Wash your hair every day with a shampoo that lathers well and don't use Conditioner in your hair.

Use a saline solution 2 teaspoons salt to 1 cup of water for bathing.

Possible Cause's Sawdust, dirt and that myxomatosis which blinds rabbits be looked at as a possible cause for the onset of Thygeson's Disease Superficial Punctate Keratitis. Thygeson's Disease Superficial Punctate Keratitis as it causes blindness in humans and myself caught and cuddled a rabbit with Myxomatosis shortly before I was found to have Thygeson's Disease Superficial Punctate Keratitis.

Bill Shannon Carpenter.

Maxidex 0.1% is what I was last prescribed I only used it for 3 days then once each 2-3 weeeks eventually it cleared up I don't like taking steroids and if you get a large erection don't go and give it a thrashing like I did as it may break or you may get peyronies disease. Same goes if your taking viagra or any other performance enhancer.

 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Kombivan (talkcontribs) 03:28, 4 December 2019 (UTC)[reply] 

— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:31, 17 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]